Donate to the collection

Library & Archives NT is the keeping place for important historic materials, preserving and digitising them for use by future generations.

Library & Archives NT collects material relating to the Northern Territory in a variety of published print, audio-visual and digital formats, and Unpublished Material such as Personal and Community Archives, photographs, oral histories, personal recordings in film or audio, in hardcopy or digital formats

These collections are continuing to grow thanks to the generous donation of materials from current and former Territorians and their families.  By donating to us you are contributing to the preservation of the Territory’s stories and history.

Library & Archives NT is a safe keeping place for these materials. With your permission, we store them securely, digitise them and aim to make them accessible online for future generations of researchers.

We also have a wealth of experience in the ethical management of cultural materials and can discuss these considerations with you before you make a donation.

We attribute all donated material to their donors. We can also offer a range of access and use options which allow you to specify how donations are used into the future.

You can contact us by:
Post: GPO Box 42 Darwin 0801
Telephone: (08) 8999 7177
Contact us by email.