Northern Territory History Grants Program
The Northern Territory History Grants Program provides up to $7,000 to support original research about Northern Territory history.
Administered by Library & Archives NT (LANT), the grants program aims to support original research on Northern Territory history and broaden community understanding of and engagement with LANT's collections.

Key Dates:
- Applications open on Monday 1 July 2024.
- Applications close on Monday 12 August 2024.
- Successful applications will be announced in November 2024.
How To Apply:
- Read the NT History Grants guidelines and application information
- Contact Library & Archives NT to discuss your application
- Submit your application online using GrantsNT by 5pm Monday 12 August 2024.
Who Can Apply:
- You can apply if you're a resident of the NT and an individual, a society or a community organisation.
- Employees of the Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities are required to have a completed and approved conflict of interest declaration and management plan before applying. Other NT government employees should refer to their own department's policy requirements before applying.
- Northern Territory Associations applying for grants must comply with the Associations Act.
Who Can't Apply:
- Territory, state and Federal government agencies are not eligible to apply
- Previous NT History Grants recipients who have not acquitted grants are not eligible to apply.
What Can Be Funded:
The Grants are intended to assist with associated expenses that will be incurred whilst carrying out research projects including:
- Travel and accommodation;
- Costs associated with printing and publication such as editing fees, design costs, copyright and licencing fees;
- Incidental research fees;
- Reproduction charges;
- Interview fees.
Preference will be given to applications covering topics which have not been researched before, or if the topic has been researched before, the applicant proposes a new approach or pushes research into new areas.
What Cannot Be Funded:
- Purchase of equipment and assets
- Cataloguing collections
- Digitising or reproduction of collections
- Professional consulting fees, such as historical consulting fees to undertake research
- Costs associated with work that has already been done
- Wages
Examples Of Previously Funded Projects:
The following are examples of projects that have received funding in the past.
Historical research for:
- Published work such as a book, journal article, written guide
- Unpublished or self-published work
- Radio program
- Video/film or theatrical play
- Website
- Oral history interviews
Image: John Bates Collection 1864-1979,
Past History Grant Projects:
The annual Northern Territory History Grants Program has funded projects relevant to Northern Territory history for over 30 years.