Entries Open | 2023 Chief Minister’s Northern Territory History Book Award

Entries are now open for the Chief Minister's Northern Territory History Book Award!
The Chief Minister’s Northern Territory History Book Award recognises the most significant book about the Northern Territory history published in the previous 12 months.
Established in 2004 the Award recognises the most significant book about the Northern Territory history published in the previous 12 months. The winner is announced at a ceremony at the Library and receives $1,000.
The judging panel consists of three academics, historians and/or curators working in the field of Northern Territory history.
Key dates for 2023
- Entries open Monday 27 February 2023
- Entries close Monday 10 April 2023
- Shortlisted finalists will be notified in June 2023
- Winners will be announced at the Chief Minister’s Northern Territory History Book Awards ceremony in July 2023
To apply for the Chief Minister’s Northern Territory History Book Award your book must be all of the following:
- a work on Northern Territory history
- published in English or one of the First Nations languages of the Northern Territory
- offered for general sale published between 1 January and 31 December 2022
- you must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident to enter
You may nominate yourself or enter on behalf of another author if you have their permission to do so.