Submissions open for the 2022 Chief Minister's Northern Territory History Book Award

The Chief Minister’s Northern Territory History Book Award is now open for submissions.
The Chief Minister’s Northern Territory History Book Award 2022 celebrates the most significant historical book about the NT that was published in 2021, with the winning author receiving $1,000.
Entries officially open Monday 28 February 2022 and run through to midnight Monday 11 April 2022.
Selection criteria to apply for the award;
- books to be a work on NT history, written in English or one of the First Nations languages of the Northern Territory, offered for general sale, and published between 1 January and 31 December 2021.
- any Australian citizen or permanent resident can enter the Chief Minister’s Northern Territory History Book Award.
- authors may nominate themselves. You may enter on behalf of an author but must obtain their permission before entering.
Nominated and overseen by Library & Archives NT, the judging panel is made up of industry experts from the LANT Northern Territory History Grants and Awards Peer Register who have expert knowledge and understanding of NT history and experience in research, editing and writing..
The shortlist will be announced in June with the winner announced in late July.
More information and applications can be found online.